Pursuant to regulation 57[1] of The Public Procurement Goods, Works, Non-consultant Services and Disposal of Public Assets by Tender] Regulations, 2005, the procuring entities are required to procure from GPSA whenever the prices are lower than market prices, and regulation 57[3] of the same regulations GPSA is instructed to publish on quarterly year basis the goods found in their stores catalogue.
One of the aims of the system of procurement of common use items is to reduce clerical and routine works in procurement and provide PEs with more time to concentrate on core activities. Under this arrangement PEs are not required to issue or request quotations but select and place call of order direct to the supplier whose price is most advantages;
GPSA uses neutral specifications in the solicitation of tenders for supply or service delivery where by suppliers and service providers are required to comply with them. It is the responsibility of PEs to form inspection and acceptance committee to inspect the goods and /or services before they are accepted.
- All PEs are required to comply to the PPA and their related regulations, however· Some PEs are ignorant of the existence of the Framework agreements;· Some PEs maintain that they have not received any circular from relevant Authorities that prohibit them from advertising tenders;
- The supplier and service provider to honor call off orders from PEs and comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement and call off order.
- The supplier and service provider should process for the delivery of goods and provision of services.